What was offered as a conversation starter, more so as a welcome gesture at the hotel on arrival ended up being an addiction for me. Well you have heard about my love for tea here and here. But the ''Turkish Tea" was a whole different experience - a savory one indeed.
Turkish tea is served normally without milk. It is black tea, may be because it is cultivated on the Black sea coast??? I had this tea at so many different places during my stay in Istanbul. The taste was different every time. I was amazed by the varied taste of the same tea. As much as the taste is interesting the way the tea is brewed and served is unique too. It is served in a beautiful tulip shaped glass container with a saucer and a small spoon. Sugar is always served on the side as cubes. And lastly it is made in a special two stacked kettle called "caydanlik." All in all a very particular way of brewing and serving tea.