Sunday, December 18, 2016

Diwali Gift Hamper 2016

This year I was very busy aroundDiwali time. work and home commitments gave me very little time for Diwali preparations. I also was hosting our neighborhood Diwali party in addition. and the guest list included more than fifty people. So coming up with last minute ideas for gift hampers was a bit unnerving. I sort of grew up with the tradition of giving hampers to neighbors on Diwali. So even the thought of skipping the hampers this year made me uncomfortbale. Finally in the end I managed somehow to check off all things on my list. Everything came together from decorations and lights to the homemade faral and party preparations. Just in time I shared the homemade faral with my neighbors packed into this hamper. I aslo added some goodies in ths form of "hand painted panatis ". staying up late past midnight to paint these panatis was totally worth it.My neighbors enjoyed the yummy treats and the clay goodies. And just like that i bonded with my neighbors even more with the hamper and at the party. Wishing everyone a happy diwali and a prosperous new year.

Valentine Day Project 3 - DIY Starbucks Coffee

 I am a huge Starbucks fan. If you have read my previous posts by now you know caffeine is an inseparable part of my daily life. I live by t...