Thursday, April 20, 2017

30 day Shopping Ban

 I have self imposed a 30 day shopping ban . No shopping clothes for myself as well as my little one during the next 30 days . Yes ! You heard me right . Knowing how much of a shopaholic I am you think I have lost my mind .  I know it sounds incredibly hard , almost impossible . But nevertheless I decided to accept the challenge and see how it goes . I will try my best to chronicle how things go in regards to my shopping temptations and the consequences . The ban started on 14 th April 2017 . I plan to pen down everyday how I am feeling . I am aware that I will have some good days and will resist shopping easily . I may have some not so good days but hopefully will not cave in ( hopefully )  . The ban has worked so far . Today I am sharing what I wrote down daily until now .

15th-16th April
I am travelling out of town. We have plans to go out shopping with family. I am secretly hoping I can shop. I am so happy. I think it is a good excuse and it is ok to shop with family.
Update----With 3 kids at home, numerous events to attend,  and the endless chats we never stepped out of the house. The result is two days of no shopping ( read disappointment ) .

17th April
Back from the trip but I am super exhausted. Spent most of my day sleeping . It is evening time aka tea time. I am sipping some piping hot masala chai. I am checking my emails. OMG! I have discovered that Loft has free shipping on all orders today. My temptation has made me fill my shopping cart. The total is 3 digit figure. So I am taking off couple of items but still have few in the cart.  I am still thinking , reviewing my shopping cart . I have decided to just walk away from my computer.
Update past midnight---I never returned to complete the order and checkout. Yay or Nay ??? Another day gone by without shopping. I feel empowered . I have overcome the temptation of shopping especially when Loft had free shipping . It is a major achievement folks ( read "pat on the back"  wink wink )

18 th April
I went to target to return a few things today. I was tempted to buy clothes for my daughter. I was so close to checkout when I returned all clothing items back to the rack. Stepped out of the store smiling , happy and feeling good . So proud of myself right now y'all .

19th April
I was at work for over 10 hours . So shopping was never on my mind.

20th April
Not a day goes by when I do not think about shopping. I was very close to the outlet mall today . I was so tempted to drive couple of exits further and shop . Or at least look around and satisfy my appetite for shopping. I just diverted my attention and drove back all the way home. I thought about my shopping ban constantly once I got home. I never made it back to the outlet . Well I think it was more so because of the long drive that I never made it back to the outlet mall . Hmm! But I think I deserve some credit for turning around and driving home in the first place .

Friday, April 7, 2017

Letter to My Daughter on her Second Birthday

Dear Keya
On your second birthday as we celebrate YOU I realize how much YOU have grown up in two years.
Its YOU who we are celebrating today .
Its YOU who chose to wear an outfit with birthday cake and ice cream cones .
Its YOU who made me realize that the "animal themed party " is just the perfect theme for your birthday .
Its YOU who decides what game we play ( tower of mega blocks or lego )
Its YOU who plays "mix mix" with a random spoon and bowl picked out of the dishwasher
Its YOU who makes the imaginary tea and brings it in a cup to me every morning
As you have grown up I realize YOU are an individual now.  An individual who is not only cute and beautiful  but also unique and awesome. And at times one who has strong opinions too . Those clear cut breakfast requests ( no cereal, more fruit loops ) and dinner requests ( no poli, more idli ) show your strong opinions. You try to make your own choices now ( most of the times ) .  Sometimes you throw a fit to not wear the outfit I picked for you  . Instead you choose to run around the house in just a diaper ( wet and soiled at times ) .
With your immense energy and cuteness , beautiful face and radiant smile you are truly an awesome little toddler growing up so fast .  You are so much fun to be around .
 As I see you grow and mature day by day I love you even more . As you develop likes and dislikes , explore and learn ,  accept and win challenges , struggle and fail sometimes.. I want you to know I will still love you, more and more , each day and everyday .

Happy Birthday My Two Year Old

Your Aai

                                     Today you are you
                                      That is truer than true.
                                       There is no one alive 
                                        Who is youer than you.
                                                       ---Dr. Seuss

P. S.
I am planning write a letter to my daughter each year on her birthday. It’s a great way to remember the little things that we often forget as our kids get older. Time just passes by way too quickly and their childhood is over before we know it. We have to cherish it while we can! 

Valentine Day Project 3 - DIY Starbucks Coffee

 I am a huge Starbucks fan. If you have read my previous posts by now you know caffeine is an inseparable part of my daily life. I live by t...